Ted Todd

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18 Chesford Grange, Woolston Warrington Cheshire WA1 4RQ
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Ted Todd Hardwood Floors was founded twenty years ago and has grown to become Great Britain's leading name in premium quality hardwood floors. We constantly innovate through product design with a passion to deliver unique and unusual hardwood floors.
Integrity underpins everything. You won't find trickery in our descriptions of flooring, wear layers, constructions and origins. Our clear, honest approach rules out untried and untested constructions to cut corners (and costs). You can also forget double-veneer wear layers, mixed-wood plywoods, jointed back layers or dishonest descriptions of wood origins. There aren't any.
We've always offered premium quality at a fair price - European hardwoods, proven construction methods, great lengths, widths and patterns that you say are important.

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