Damp2dry Construction LTD

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4 Derby Terrace, Derby Road The Park Nottinghamshire NG7 1ND
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We have been solving Rising damp and Condensation problems in Nottingham and Derby for 30yrs we only use specially trained qualified tradespeople to carry out our guaranteed remedial building solutions. We use the best cost effective and the least disruptive methods possible to get your home ready. Dry, Warm and safe


What type of damp is affecting y... 11th July 2017

Rising damp, penetrating damp and condensation are the three most common types of damp that can affect your home. But each needs to be treated in different ways, and the costs can vary dramatically...

What type of damp is affecting your home (part 1)
11th July 2017

Rising damp, penetrating damp and condensation are the three most common types of damp that can affect your home. But each needs to be treated in different ways, and the costs can vary dramatically, so it's important to know what type of damp is affecting your home before you try to get it fixed. Living in a property with mould can be bad for your health, so it's important to get it sorted as soon as possible.  The worse the situation gets, the more it's likely to cost to remove and repair any damage.Here at Damp2Dry we aim to give you an honest diagnosis, which in turn could save you £’s.We are putting together a number of blogs to help you decide which damp you have, this is our first one, looking at condensation.Condensation is the most common kind of damp.  It is caused by moist air condensing on walls, particularly in rooms with a lot of air moisture, such as kitchens and bathrooms. It's mainly, but not always, a winter problem, as at this time of year walls are much colder than the air inside. Condensation can be exacerbated by poor ventilation and heating that comes on and off, as this allows warm, damp air to condense.The removal of existing chimneys and energy-saving measures, such as fitting air-tight double glazing, can reduce ventilation. This problem can be particularly apparent in old homes that were built to 'breathe' and allow dampness to evaporate out of the home, while modern homes are built to keep water out in the first place.  There are systems available though to help improve ventilation –  you could use a Humidistat Fan, but there are others.  Have a look for more information on our website. Symptoms of condensationYou may notice water droplets on windows or walls, see dark mould appearing, particularly on glass or around windows, and/or notice an unpleasant smell.  If left untreated, condensation can damage paint and plaster and cause window frames to decay. To clear condensation from windows, you could simply wipe it with a cloth.  Alternatively, if you prefer to use less elbow grease, some gadgets claim to be able to help with condensation and leave your windows streak-free.  We think it’s best to eliminate it altogether and the best way to avoid condensation is to Improve Ventilation and background heat source and improve insulation. Watch out for our next blog about rising damp.www.damp2dry.com

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