Liftmate Materials Handling (lomart Ltd)

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Unit 14, Mowlem Trading Estate Leeside Road, Tottenham London N17 0QJ
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Review LiftMate Materials Handling (Lomart Ltd)


Lomart has been established since 1991. We specialise in the sale, service and repair of materials handling equipment such as electric and manual pallet trucks, pallet stackers, scissor lift tables, hydraulic jacks, industrial skates and warehousing trucks & trolleys. We maintain a large stock of standard machines and spare parts in our North London warehouse.


Mobile Scissor Lift Tables
Mobile Scissor Lift Tables 4th March 2010

We offer all standard and non standard mobile scissor lift tables and trolleys, with capacities from 150kg to 1250kg. Please see website for more information.

Mobile Scissor Lift Tables
Mobile Scissor Lift Tables
4th March 2010

We offer all standard and non standard mobile scissor lift tables and trolleys, with capacities from 150kg to 1250kg. Please see website for more information.